
Your orderMandarin Companion Level 1 Bundle - $54.99

Platform: iOS + Android

Order total: US $54.99

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The following payment methods require you to enter an email address (as we are not able to collect those from their checkout forms):
Pay with WeChat PayPay with AlipayMore information

We process credit card payments through Stripe, which is also used by thousands of other companies (many of them a lot bigger than Pleco) and offers state-of-the-art security; even we have no idea what your credit card number is.

Email: we use your email address to send you a confirmation email with your purchase details. We also keep it in a database so that you can log on to retrieve your order information in the future if you lose it. These are the only things we use your email address for; we won't add you to our mailing list unless you separately go to this page to sign up for that.